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(RObot Utilities Assembly Generic Entities)


The idea is to create a full set of C++ classes easy to assemble.

Project scheme:

I'm imposed my-self the following development steps

Rouage's robot structure

Some objects are organized hierarchically

Rouage source code structure

The source tree, on perl or c++ version, reflects the robot structure.
On each directory, we found one or more alternative modules.
By example, we must choose between a dictionary and a neural approach on symbol processing problem.
I don't know what method is the best, but I want to test the two (or more approaches).

How to pick-up components and assemble a robot.

A robot definition is a little perl script (phase 1) with a "use module" list and a object construction sequence
You can write a definition from scratch, or use the rouage_play_room application, or the rouage on-line factory to do the same thing a bit more fun

Testing without electronic stuff. Th rouage play room project

I 'm not a rich man, and I wish to be reasonably certain that the robot will work before buying the electronics
That is the rouage play room project reason to exist Logo